voices heard not forgotten
We are a nonprofit organization consisting of volunteers from the Trumbull County Dog Pound.
We work with the current and former pound dogs daily
and help by networking,
donating towards spay/neuter, boarding,
medical needs, socialization and adoption.
keep your pup safe
Keep your pets safe by being sure their collars/harnesses have the necessary tags on at all times. Even "just going out to potty." Trumbull Pound offers tags on-site, as well, so it's easy to keep everything up to date.
Microchipping is one of the best ways to be sure your pet finds their way home if they get separated from you. Just be sure your contact info is always up to date. So many microchips are linked to dead phones and/or addresses.
Making sure all forms of communication are accurate is key. Always list your active phone number on all tags and owner info to ensure someone can contact you if they find your pup.
Contact Us
We believe every dog deserves a chance at a happy furever after. And we can use all the help we can get! If you would like to learn more about volunteering with us, donating, or helping in any way, please feel free to contact us ... We'd love to hear from you.